Sunday, March 29, 2015

So close but yet too far......

I started the path for financial independence around the first of the year.  Then I decided to blog about it and see where my path would lead me.

I have volunteered for as much overtime as I could to gain the extra cash I would need to pay off my debts.  Some of you would have to sacrifice, work extra hours or get a part time job.  Luckily for me I have been able to work at least 14 extra hours per week.  One week I did about 36 hours (my best week) but its started to slow down as of this past week.  So what was the results of all my hard work and sacrifice.

Home:                 $160k
Car 1:                   $10k
Car 2:                   $24k
Car 3:                   $13k
Credit card 1:     $6k    -$552.00
Credit card 2:     $1.5k Paid
Collections 1:     $580  Paid
Collections 2:     $350  Paid
Collections 3:     $130  Paid

Total                      $215,560.00 -1613.50 = 213946.50

Its awesome that I'm plugging away at the debt but when I look at the whole picture it makes it seem so daunting.  Some of you may just look at your credit card, student loan and other debt (not including car/home) and say to yourself..."this is impossible." "there is no way I can pay all this off and feed my kids."  A good way to figure out how to pay one's debts is to analyze what money goes into your home and how it goes out.  If you live paycheck to paycheck then it is reasonable to assume that you spend it on something, right!  Unless someone is stealing your money out of your accounts then there is a way to pay down debt and become FREE!

Another thing I have learned during this journey is the power of being positive.  It has changed the way I look at my debt.  I used to look at my debts and complain;  I grew to even hate it and hate myself for getting so deep in debt.  But as soon as I started to look at my debts and my own life in a positive light my eyes just opened up.  I am freak'n' stoked to pay off these debts because I know I will be free, I will be happy, I will be independent and my family will be taken care of.

Thanks for reading.

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